Saturday, October 23, 2010

would Jesus fail a math test????

This week has been a thought provoking week. Before going any farther I would like to announce, for those of you who dont know, I will be spending three months starting in December in CAMBODIA!!! I could not be more excited. I will be working in orphanages and working with young children. When I get more details I will be sure to let everyone know. There are 11 of us going and the people in my group are absolutely amazing. I can't wait I will be there over Christmas and I wont be back in hawaii until around March 11th. It is going to be so amazing.
So this week one issue that made me think more than anything was the humanity of Christ. Christ lived as man on earth but what was the "balance" of being the all-knowing God and being human. When thinking about this I remember the story of when he was lost from his parents and he was found preaching to the pharisees at age 12. It makes you think he did not lead a very normal human life. However, the Bible is clear on the fact that he did live as a human. He was born to parents that loved him, he had aunts and uncles,he had good friends!! But where did being God fade into being naturally human? Some questions that the speaker brought up were, "In school if he had a math test do you think he would answer all right or get some wrong? He is all knowing so did he know all the answers?" My personal answer to this is i think that he would get them all right BUT NOT BECAUSE he buste out his God powers but beacuse he knew the right thing was to study and gain his knowledge so he did. It does tend to make you think about other things however if he was naturally human then he did have the same temptations so did he ever have a crush on a girl?? i bet he did, he just had to control it! THese are questions i have never even thought of and i am still doing research to see if i can decifer for myself where the divide was!
 GOd is doing great things here, this week has been a little tougher only because the high of being here is gone. It is hard to stay alert and force yourself to wake up. I am missing home a little but i believe it is only because being here is soo drastically different. But i love it. GOd is definitely talking to me about the rest of my life and i can already see tha my plan is changing. That is one of the hardest things, i had an idea of how what i was going to do when i get back, i realized i have to give my life 100 percent to God and trust that his plan is better. YOu know what? It is. The direction he is leading me in now is amazing and i have found a new passion that i cant even describe how excited i am about it. Next week we are talking about the fear of the Lord which is sure to be interesting.
We have been going to this absolutely amazing beach that looks like you are swimming in a computer screen. My roomates are sooo wonderful i love having like 7 sisters here. The weather is super hot and we have spent many nights get bugs out of our room. I never thought that the high light of my week would be wal mart and mccdonalds!! But that is what it has come to hahahhaa. I do love hawaiian life though it is definitely nice. It is still wierd to say that I LIVE IN HAWAII. GOD IS SOOOO GOOD.


  1. Taylor...first of all God bless you as you follow Him! How exciting! What an adventure you are beginning. I enjoyed your latest blog. This same topic was what our sermon was on at North Coast church tonight. Jesus being fully man and fully God. It really was thought provoking for me also. If you have a chance listen to the sermon online. You may find it very helpful. Take it easy and enjoy every minute.
    Lisa Bales

  2. I love this one TAylor!!! God has His han all over this!!!! I am proud of you for recognizing it. I love you

  3. Tay...this is a great thought provoking question. I think that even though Jesus is God and man, that yes, he would have done His best to study and complete His math assignment in the power of His humanity and not pulling out His God card to ace the exam. I think this shows that the math exam allows Jesus to deal with His circumstances thru His humanity and not His deity so, to show us that He was just like us and had to deal with everything in life that we deal with, further illustrates his humanity in being able to relate to our issues with life. Humanity when humanity is needed--deity when deity is needed, that is the balance that Jesus Christ performed while here on earth. made me think too :) I hope I made some sense...keep the thought provoking questions coming!!

  4. So good to see God working in your life and one of the bonus's is that we learn too! <3
