Tuesday, November 9, 2010


WHAT AN AMAZING WEEK!! We had such an amazing week this week!! Our speaker was talking about relationships and not all relationships but purely relationships between guys and girls ;)!!! It was soo good. We first talked about sex which i know is a very touchy subject bt she talked to us about how sex is defined not as purely intercourse but the actions leading up to it. How when you engage in anything like this then you are stealing from that person's future wife! At the same time they are steeling from my future husband. It was really eye opening. She then went on to say (to the people who had crossed lines) that GOD FORGIVES YOU!! he doesnt hold it against you and if you pray and start over God will totally help you. SO when you cross those lines you are not huting God you are hurting you and your partner. He doesnt tell us not to do it because he wants to take all our fun away he tells us not to do it because it is only hurting us and our partners. She used an illustration of two peices of paper. If you glue the paper together that is like you engaging in physical relationships before you are ready. When you break up then you are like the paper being torn apart! Even if it is a nice break up the paper being torn apart slowly you will stil be a part of each ohter. She really brought light to the reasoning of why it is important to stay pure until married (not for God's sake but for ours) but she also gave hope and said it is totally forgivable if you have crossed those lines!! This was all in one day and it was super enlightining!
Then she talked about boundaries! There are four types of boundaries; spiritual, emotional, verbal, and physical. These all of equal importance. Here are some of the boundaries for each one!! Some of these i did not even realize make guys stumble there is a fine line between having fun and flirting, When you flirt you are tempting guys and that is not fair. I did not realize that some things that i thought didnt effect me actual end up making me stumble. Some people need different boundaries. Physically some people cant even kiss our they will stumble. Love is not to be used until you are considering marriage. Praying together is good ocasionally but not everyday just the two of you. Words of affirmation are good not in a flirty way. Back messages actually make guys stumble. Being alone in certain places add temptaion. THe little things some people arent even aware of make other people stumble.
THe whole lecture was absolutely amazing! if things are not done GOds way the relationship wont last!! shocker i know


  1. Tay...

    LOVE LOVE what you are learning! PTL! Keep growing and loving the Lord. I promise, you will be glad!
    Can't wait to see you in less than 4 weeks time!
    Love you cousin.

  2. Hi Tay,

    Great lesson indeed !!! The speaker who gave the lesson about relationships and the subtle damage that could lead to potentional de-railing in a future relationship really also touched upon the life long consequences of some poor decisions and gave couples pause to think. And of course that is exactly what the lesson was intended for it to do. Good job Tay !!! Continuing our prayers for the sex trafficking in Cambodia.
    XoX ~
